Pilots in Germany
According to Article 193(3) of the German Insurance Contract Act (VVG), every person resident in Germany is obliged to take out and maintain health insurance covering at least outpatient treatment and hospital care. In general, every employee is subject to compulsory PUBLIC health insurance. According to Article 6 SGB V (Social Security Code, Fifth Book), you may be exempt from this requirement and benefit from the worldwide medical care and better service provided by a PRIVATE health plan.
German Home Base
An amendment to EU Regulations (EC) No 883/2004 and 987/2009, resulting in Regulations (EU) No 1244/2010 and (EU) No 465/2012, requires an airline to pay social security contributions in the pilot's "home base" country. "Home base" is defined as the place where the pilot normally begins or ends his or her period of service. This may be different from the pilot's country of residence and the airline's country of incorporation.
About Us
Welcome to competence exclusive ec GmbH. As a specialised insurance broker, we operate the brands ‘pilot-health-insurance.com’ and ‘cape-insurance.com’. The same legal regulations apply to both institutions. We therefore only refer to cape-insurance in this respect. The company was founded in 2001 by Claus Edam as an independent insurance broker. All communication and services are provided in English and free of charge. Our web based personal advice is available worldwide.